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Jumlah posting : 12
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Birthday : 18.02.95
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Age : 29
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" Buat Para YUI Lovers " wajib baca ! _
PostSubyek: " Buat Para YUI Lovers " wajib baca !   " Buat Para YUI Lovers " wajib baca ! EmptyThu Dec 02, 2010 6:30 pm

Awal kehidupan

Yui was born in Fukuoka , Japan . Yui lahir di Fukuoka , Jepang . She grew up in a single-parent family; her father left her mother before she was born. Dia dibesarkan dalam keluarga orang tua tunggal, ayahnya meninggalkan ibunya sebelum ia dilahirkan. She stated that she had always been close to music; she would remember the beats from music she heard on the radio, and could sing it. Dia menyatakan bahwa dia selalu dekat dengan musik, dia akan mengingat beats dari musik dia mendengar di radio, dan bisa menyanyikannya. By the time she was in elementary school she thought she would like to become a singer. [ 1 ] Pada saat ia masih di sekolah dasar dia pikir dia ingin menjadi seorang penyanyi. [1]

During her third year in middle school, at her mother's suggestion, Yui began writing a journal of her feelings and tried to compose them into poems. Selama tahun ketiga di sekolah menengah, atas saran ibunya, Yui mulai menulis sebuah jurnal perasaannya dan berusaha menenangkan mereka ke dalam puisi. By the time she was in high school, she began to write songs. [ 2 ] While in high school, she worked part-time to help pay for tuition. Pada saat ia masih di sekolah tinggi, ia mulai menulis lagu. [2] Sementara di SMA, ia bekerja paruh waktu untuk membantu membayar uang kuliah. She thought that, being so busy, she no longer had the time to realize her dreams of a music career. Dia pikir, begitu sibuk, dia tidak lagi punya waktu untuk mewujudkan impian nya karir musik. Eventually she got ill. [ 1 ] While in hospital, she was overwhelmed with the desire to make music. Akhirnya dia sakit. [1] Sementara di rumah sakit, ia kewalahan dengan keinginan untuk membuat musik. She decided that school and music could not coexist. Dia memutuskan bahwa sekolah dan musik tidak bisa hidup berdampingan. Upon leaving the hospital, she encountered a live street performance and expressed her desire to pursue a musical career to the band, Bianco Nero, at the end of the concert. Setelah meninggalkan rumah sakit, ia mengalami hidup kinerja jalan dan mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk mengejar karir musik untuk band, Bianco Nero, pada akhir konser. Bianco Nero advised Yui to join a private music school. Bianco Nero Yui disarankan untuk bergabung dengan sekolah musik swasta. Yui soon dropped out of high school and began to study guitar and songwriting at a juku in her hometown of Fukuoka. [ 1 ] Aspiring to become a professional, she took to street performing at Fukuoka's Tenjin Station . Yui segera putus sekolah tinggi dan mulai belajar gitar dan lagu di sebuah juku di kota kelahirannya Fukuoka. [1] Bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang profesional, ia turun ke jalanan tampil di Fukuoka's Tenjin Station . These street performances helped Yui to overcome her shyness. Pertunjukan ini membantu Yui jalan untuk mengatasi rasa malu-nya.
Awal karir

Her professional career began in March 2004 when, at the recommendation of her juku instructors, she applied for an audition hosted by Sony Music Japan . [ 3 ] Despite the audition rule that a participant could only perform two songs, Yui was allowed to sing three. karir profesional nya mulai pada bulan Maret 2004 ketika, pada rekomendasi dari instruktur juku, ia melamar untuk ikut audisi diselenggarakan oleh Sony Music Japan . [3] Meskipun aturan audisi bahwa peserta hanya bisa melakukan dua lagu, Yui diizinkan untuk menyanyi tiga . She first sang "Why Me" (a song later included in her debut single), followed by "It's Happy Line" and "I Know". Dia pertama kali menyanyikan "Why Me" (lagu kemudian dimasukkan dalam debut single), diikuti dengan "It's Happy Line" dan "I Know". The judges gave her the maximum score, causing a fierce scramble among record labels to sign her. [ citation needed ] Because "I Know" was incomplete at the time, the judges were able to get a glimpse of what would later be dubbed "Yui-go", or Yui-speak (Yui 語 in Japanese), nonsensical English hummed to a tune during her songwriting process — an example of Yui-go can be found in the film Midnight Sun when Yui is working on the song "Goodbye Days". Para hakim memberikan skor nya maksimum, menyebabkan pertarungan sengit antara label rekaman untuk menandatangani nya. [ rujukan? ] Karena "I Know" tidak lengkap pada saat itu, para hakim bisa mendapatkan sekilas dari apa yang kemudian akan dijuluki "Yui -go ", atau Yui-berbicara (Yui 语 dalam bahasa Jepang), Inggris masuk akal bersenandung sebuah lagu selama proses penulisan lagu nya - contoh Yui-go dapat ditemukan dalam film Midnight Sun saat Yui bekerja pada lagu "Goodbye Days ".

On December 24, 2004, she released her debut single " It's Happy Line " under the indie label Leaflet Records, coupled with the track "I Know". Pada tanggal 24 Desember 2004, dia merilis debut single " It's Happy Line "di bawah indie label Leaflet Records, ditambah dengan lagu" I Know ". The pressing was limited to only 2,000 copies in her home area. Mendesak terbatas hanya 2.000 kopi di daerah rumahnya.
From Me To You (2005-2006)

Upon leaving her hometown in Fukuoka for Tokyo , Yui wrote the song " Feel My Soul " as a tribute to her hometown. Setelah meninggalkan kota asalnya di Fukuoka untuk Tokyo , Yui menulis lagu " Feel My Soul "sebagai penghargaan ke kota kelahirannya. She initially had planned its release on an indie label. Dia awalnya direncanakan rilis pada label indie. However, when the song caught the ears of Fuji TV producer Mr. Yamaguchi, who saw the demo video clip, he claimed that Yui's voice touched him so much that he went out of his way to visit the recording studio. [ citation needed ] Fuji Television's primetime drama Fukigen na Gene used Yui's debut track as an insert song. Namun, ketika lagu menangkap telinga Fuji TV produser Mr Yamaguchi, yang melihat klip video demo, dia menyatakan itu suara Yui menyentuh begitu banyak sehingga ia pergi keluar dari jalan untuk mengunjungi studio rekaman. [ rujukan? ] Fuji primetime drama Television Fukigen na Gene digunakan debut melacak's Yui sebagai lagu sisipan.

On February 23, Yui released her first major debut single, "Feel My Soul". Pada tanggal 23 Februari, Yui merilis debut single besar pertama, "Feel My Soul". The music in Fukigen na Gene was based on her songs "Feel My Soul" and "It's Happy Line". Musik di Fukigen na Gene didasarkan pada lagu-lagunya "Feel My Soul" dan "It's Happy Line". With the publicity the drama tie-in drew in, "Feel My Soul" managed to sell over 100,000 copies and managed to chart at number 8 on Oricon Weekly Charts in its first week. Dengan publisitas drama tie-in menarik, "Feel My Soul" berhasil menjual lebih dari 100.000 eksemplar dan berhasil grafik di nomor 8 di Oricon Weekly Charts di minggu pertama. Her next three singles, " Tomorrow's Way " (theme song for the Japanese movie, " Hinokio "), " Life ", and " Tokyo " did not chart as high as Feel My Soul did and were only moderately successful in comparison. berikutnya Her tiga single, " 's Way Besok "(lagu tema untuk film Jepang," Hinokio ")," Life ", dan" Tokyo "tidak grafik setinggi Feel My Soul lakukan dan hanya cukup sukses dibandingkan.
Can't Buy My Love (2006-2007)

Yui made her acting debut in the full-length Japanese feature film Midnight Sun (Taiyou no uta, タイヨウのうた), [ 4 ] which opened on June 17, 2006. Yui bertindak membuat debutnya di panjang-film Jepang penuh fitur Midnight Sun (Taiyou no uta,タイヨウのうた), [4] yang dibuka pada tanggal 17 Juni 2006. The film was screened at the 2006 Cannes Film Festival . [ 5 ] Yui attended the Japan Academy Prize and received the Best Newcomer Award for Midnight Sun . Film ini diputar di Cannes Film Festival 2006 . [5] Yui menghadiri Jepang Akademi Hadiah dan menerima Penghargaan Pendatang Baru Terbaik untuk Midnight Sun. Prior to the release of the movie, Yui released her fifth single " Good-bye Days " written specifically for the film. Sebelum peluncuran film, Yui merilis single kelima " Good-bye Days "ditulis secara khusus untuk film ini. The single is by far her highest selling at more than 200,000 copies sold. Single adalah jauh menjual yang tertinggi di lebih dari 200.000 eksemplar terjual. All three tracks on the single are featured in the "Midnight Sun." Ketiga trek pada tunggal yang ditampilkan dalam "Midnight Sun." The single also re-released the track "It's Happy Line," originally released on her debut single. Single juga merilis ulang lagu "It's Happy Line," awalnya dirilis pada debut single.

Her next single, " I Remember You ", did well in terms of sales, riding on the wave of the popularity of "Good-bye Days." Di samping tunggal, " Ingat I Anda ", apakah baik dalam hal penjualan, naik di gelombang popularitas" Good-bye Days. " Yui's seventh single " Rolling Star " was chosen as the 5th opening theme for the anime series Bleach . ketujuh tunggal Yui " Rolling Star "dipilih sebagai tema pembuka 5 untuk seri anime Bleach . Her eighth single, " Cherry " was featured in commercial promoting KDDI au Listen Mobile Service. Her kedelapan tunggal, " Cherry "adalah fitur dalam mempromosikan komersial KDDI au Listen Mobile Service.

She released her second album Can't Buy My Love on April 4, 2007. Dia merilis album kedua Can't Buy My Love pada tanggal 4 April 2007. The album spending two weeks at number 1 on the Oricon charts, shattering her entire previous album's record sales in one week. Can't Buy My Love managed to sell over 680,000 copies. Pengeluaran album dua minggu di nomor 1 di Oricon chart, menghancurkan rekor penjualan album sebelumnya seluruh nya dalam satu minggu. Can't Buy My Love berhasil menjual lebih dari 680.000 eksemplar. Due to the success of Can't Buy My Love , Yui's previous album, From Me to You charted once again, adding another 9,000 copies to the Oricon counting. Karena keberhasilan Can't Buy My Love , sebelumnya album Yui, From Me To You memetakan sekali lagi, menambahkan lain 9.000 eksemplar untuk penghitung
an Oricon.

LOL ! lol!
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